Monday, February 11, 2008

Where it All Began...The First Email
Dear friends-
We just got home from another full day of emotions at the hospital. As of today, I still feel like we know very little from when we began just 48 hours ago.

To brief those of you who do not know, my dad has been intermittently "under the weather" over the last month. His pain seemed to be progressing this week as the color in his skin diminished. Our wonderful doctor and best friend ran dozens of lab tests earlier this last week to see what was causing this. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever be writing an email like this. The main thing we learned from the lab results was that dad was having significant bleeding internally. Friday he had a CT scan of his abdomen to determine where the bleeding was coming from because his pain was primarily in his abdomen. We were hoping for a bleeding ulcer- unfortunately what they found was a large mass on his liver and several spots on the bases of his lungs. We learned all this information on Saturday.

He was admitted to the oncology floor yesterday in order to perform more diagnostic tests, receive several units of blood, and for assistance with pain control. Since his admission he has had a CT of his chest in order to see if the cancer was anywhere beside the base of his lungs (the first CT showed only the bases). We got the results today and it showed multiple pinpoint spots covering both his lungs but no progression in his liver. Our first bit of good news came this morning after an EGD (scope of his upper GI tract) and it all came back negative. Tomorrow morning he will undergo a colonoscopy (for those of you who know Big Jim you know he is not excited about that!) The doctors concern at this point is that the liver and lungs are both secondary sites in which the cancer has metastasized too. This is mainly because dad has little to no reason he would have ever developed either liver or lung cancer. Our fear is that the cancer originated in his colon and has spread to these two additional sites rapidly. If the colonoscopy is negative (please pray), they will perform a needle biopsy of his liver tomorrow afternoon so we can learn more about the cancer and what the treatment may entail.

I write this email not to just inform you of all that is going on, but to ask for an outpouring of prayer over my father tomorrow and all the days ahead. Tomorrow is a huge day for our family and we are asking for strength as we learn what God's will is for my daddy and our family. I am terrified, deeply saddened, and struggling to stay strong for my family and especially my dad. Thank you to each and every one of you who have called, text, and most importantly prayed. I truly believe in the power of prayer and the miracles God is capable of. We have witnessed His goodness in so many ways and hope these miracles are showered upon dad.

I always knew God had blessed me with the best friends in the world but each and every hour of the last two days, that has become more and more evident. I will be in touch tomorrow evening and let you know how the day goes. Thank you again for being a part of this time.

heather sher

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