Wednesday, June 24, 2009


We made it home on Monday evening after nearly five days in the Hospital, and although Ellison spent her last day and half there under the UV lights, we were grateful we did not have to bring those lights home. Our first new challenge (one of many more to come) was the car seat; but all went well, credit given to the car seat safety class we took a few weeks back.

Once we pulled into the drive it was time for Petie (our 3 year old shi tzu) to be introduced to his new sister. He immediately took affection to her, and has been quite the protective sibling since.

Ellie has been an angel since she arrived home. Sleeping well, eating well, and pooping well, it seems that she has all the basics covered. In fact, I was tempted to call this blog entry "Sleeping Beauty," as this kiddo knows how to catch some zzz's. Similarly, as a new daddy, you hear stories from seasoned fathers about the amount of diapers and wipes you will go through, but nothing can really prepare you for the vast amount of "waste" that comes with a newborn! In fact, Wednesday afternoon, I was left alone, for the first time, with Ellie; within 10 minutes of being "in charge" I had changed 3 diapers and Ellison had been moved to 3 different seats.

You will even notice that we made our first Doctor appointment, scheduled for 10:30, on time. Quite a task for the Sher's without a new baby, but even more impressive with Ellie now here.

Heather and I are so thankful to have had "KK" (Heather's mom, Karen) staying with us these past few days. She has been busy busy, preparing meals, cleaning, doing laundry, and allowing us to rest when Ellison rests. However, KK departs on Thursday, and it soon will be just the three of us (only for a little while) as JoePa (Rob's dad) is coming up for a short visit, and Grandmommy (Rob's mom) is scheduled to come and help when I go back to work next week. We are truly blessed and thankful to have grandparents that are so willing to help at a moment's notice.

What a miracle having a newborn in the home is! Witnessing feeding, eyes focusing, weight gain, little yawns, and all the other "firsts" that are around the corner, is so awesome to be a part of. Thanks for sharing in this time with us!

To God be the Glory for giving us Life,
Rob and Heather

Monday, June 22, 2009

Blessed with Friends
Friends are good to have. And like it or not, Ellison has a ton of friends already. I love the fact that we live within a community where we as parents (sounds so weird to say) can have so many friends. But more so, I love the fact that our baby girl is already surrounded by girls and boys that will be able to teach her, play with her, look out for her, love her, and yes, even get her into some trouble.

Looking back over the pictures from the last 36 hours or so, it is amazing how many friends have already stopped by. I apologize if we didn't get a picture of you in the midst of all the chaos of those coming and going. Yet, I give thanks to God, that we can be surrounded by such chaos as there are many that are not blessed with friends like we are.

For those of you that have already visited, THANK YOU SO MUCH! For those that are planning to visit, we cannot wait to see you and brag about our new addition. For those that are separated by too much distance to come, we have loved hearing from you in your voice mails, emails, and text messages.

Below are some of the pictures of our friends and family that have been to the hospital to see us. You will notice that Ellison, as of Sunday morning, had to be placed under the LED Lamp to lower her bilirubin level, which causes jaundice. It was such a disheartening sight to see her helpless body left alone and naked. However, I was so impressed by the genuine interest and concern shown by some of her "new friends." Such compassion, at such young ages, affirms my thankfulness that lil Ellie is surrounded with wonderful new friends.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sweet Baby Ellie
Even before her first breath, we knew that Ellie Kate would be a sweetie. Therefore, we wanted to make certain that she was in good company in the hospital room. Surrounding her in the room are sweets of all sorts. Whether it is the cake donuts or the lollipop bouquet for her guests, Ellison remains the sweetest of them all.

During our initial hold, I explained to Miss Ellie how blessed she was to have so many folks that would love her. Showered in attention by friends and family, I told Ellie that there was a good chance that after our time together today that I would likely not have the opportunity to be able to hold her for the next few days. I think she understood; however I also think she likes her daddy time.

I also am aware that many of her admirers won't be able to see her for awhile. So please enjoy the slide show of Ellison's first few minutes.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Presenting Ellison Kate Sher
After nearly twelve hours of labor, and over two and half hours of pushing, the critical decision was made to move to Cesarean Section as the vehicle to bring this bundle of joy into our lives.

Being that Heather was dilated to a 4 earlier that day at the Doctor's office, I was certain that the baby was coming soon, and probably that evening. I therefore stayed up until 1:00 A.M, and was still wide eyed awake in bed when Heather's water broke at 1:30.

Upon our arrival at the hospital, Heather was already dilated to a 6. Therefore, we never really contemplated being faced with the emergency C-Section surgery. However, once Heather was fully dilated, it became obvious, over a matter of time, that Ellison simply could not drop any more. With the calm advice of Heather's OBGYN, we agreed that it was time to move into the surgery room.

Any surgery is frightening; especially when considering it affects not only the one you have loved for such a long time, but also your future pride and joy. However, that was not the scariest part of this surgery that I was about to observe. Rather, for me, it was the very real fact, that although I walk into this sterilized room as a husband, I will walk out as a father...that thought was enough to make my heart stop.

So I went in, looking like a dufus, that was a cross between a haz-mat team and the marshmallow man from the movie Ghostbusters. And this was a step up from the fact that when I first got dressed I had both my shoe covers, as well as the white cover-alls, on backwards.

And in a few short minutes, my world was forever changed. At 1:48 P.M., Ellison Kate emerged from her mother's stomach, weighing 6 pounds 13 ounces, measuring 21 inches, taking my breath away at first sight.

Due to the surgery, we will likely be at St. John's until Monday, maybe Tuesday. But that is also time where we can turn our little princess over to the nursery for a few hours each night and get some much needed rest.

What an amazing gift children are. And what a wonderful illustration of how Big, Wonderful, and Awe Inspiring our Creator truly is. I am blessed to have begun this chapter of life.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Eternal Embrace
Let me first thank each of you for your prayers over the past 16 months. It has been truly joyful to feel the presence of your support and encouragement that came into our lives, and into Jim's.

Wednesday night we received word that Jim's days were numbered, and may even be only hours. After hanging on for another 2 days, and his continued fight throughout the day on Friday, Heather and I made the decision to come to Norman and be by his side. Spending those 4 or 5 hours by his side were terribly difficult, but yet, a blessing that we could see him one last time. As we did, through his exhaustion, Jim gave each of his girls their own individual "love you honey."

We went to bed last night knowing that it was unlikely he would make it to morning. So through our tears we prayed over Jim and let him know how proud we were of his fight and that he could enter the Kingdom with his head held high, being a fighter until the end.

About 1:15AM we were made aware that Jim was taking his last breaths. As he did, Karen, Holly and Heather stood by his side, held his hands, and wrapped him in an abundance of love as he slipped away from our world. He was surrounded by his family, just as he wanted. To see this family chant him on to fight this cancer for many months and then watching them say goodbye, that it was okay to let go, and to take his seat in eternity, was an amazing sight. The trumpets were playing as Jim entered the Kingdom of Heaven at 1:25AM. And from that moment forward we believe that Jim is wrapped in the arms of God, and will live peacefully in this eternal embrace.

Although this clearly was not how Heather and I would have foreseen this being how we spend the days prior to our baby girl's birth; God did provide us with a peace last night. A peace that Jim was no longer in any pain. A peace the Jim now has a front row seat to the delivery. A peace that now our family can focus on the joy of new life; the life of Ellison Kate and the new eternal life of Jim Hill. Knowing that one of the greatest desires of Jim's heart was to meet his granddaughter, we firmly believe, although no longer with us now, Jim is the first to hold his grand baby, and that until her arrival here on earth she is sitting in his lap listening to her grandpa's stories.

Funeral plans are set for Monday morning, here in Norman, at McFarlin United Methodist Church beginning at 11:00 am. A lunch will follow for family members and out of town guests. In lieu of flowers, the family is asking that contributions be made on behalf of Jim to the American Cancer Society or Second Chance Animal Sanctuary of Norman (

Thanks again for taking this journey with us. Although it is the end of one journey, it is only the beginning of another, and we look forward to sharing that road with you as well!

Rob and Heather Sher
