After nearly twelve hours of labor, and over two and half hours of pushing, the critical decision was made to move to Cesarean Section as the vehicle to bring this bundle of joy into our lives.
Being that Heather was dilated to a 4 earlier that day at the Doctor's office, I was certain that the baby was coming soon, and probably that evening. I therefore stayed up until 1:00 A.M, and was still wide eyed awake in bed when Heather's water broke at 1:30.
Upon our arrival at the hospital, Heather was already dilated to a 6. Therefore, we never really contemplated being faced with the emergency C-Section surgery. However, once Heather was fully dilated, it became obvious, over a matter of time, that Ellison simply could not drop any more. With the calm advice of Heather's OBGYN, we agreed that it was time to move into the surgery room.
Any surgery is frightening; especially when considering it affects not only the one you have loved for such a long time, but also your future pride and joy. However, that was not the scariest part of this surgery that I was about to observe. Rather, for me, it was the very real fact, that although I walk into this sterilized room as a husband, I will walk out as a father...that thought was enough to make my heart stop.
So I went in, looking like a dufus, that was a cross between a haz-mat team and the marshmallow man from the movie Ghostbusters. And this was a step up from the fact that when I first got dressed I had both my shoe covers, as well as the white cover-alls, on backwards.
And in a few short minutes, my world was forever changed. At 1:48 P.M., Ellison Kate emerged from her mother's stomach, weighing 6 pounds 13 ounces, measuring 21 inches, taking my breath away at first sight.
Due to the surgery, we will likely be at St. John's until Monday, maybe Tuesday. But that is also time where we can turn our little princess over to the nursery for a few hours each night and get some much needed rest.
What an amazing gift children are. And what a wonderful illustration of how Big, Wonderful, and Awe Inspiring our Creator truly is. I am blessed to have begun this chapter of life.
So happy for your family of three! Praise God for such a sweet, beautiful blessing-He indeed is an amazing and in control Creator. Having our first come into the world much like your day-we know how tired you both are and what a sense of relief and joy you are now feeling. We will continue praying for you all.
Sadly, the trip that Kade and I had planned for tomorrow for him to come meet his precious 'little sister' whom he as been anxiously awaiting the arrival of is now off-he has spent the evening with the toilet :( So I guess we will have to wait to meet Miss Ellison-so keep the pictures coming.........in all your spare time. Hope you all get some rest. Love you guys-congrats!!
What a wonderful gift Ellison is! We are excited to meet her! You all are in our prayers!
Congratulations guys! She is very very cute! We were just across the street yesterday at Utica Square. One thing baby Ellison and I have in common, we were both born in St. Johns.
We are so blessed for you both (you three I should say). I read your blog with a combination of tears and laughter, amazed at the goodness of God in your lives. Ellison, welcome to this world. You have been blessed into a wonderful family!
John & Stephanie Locher
Congratulations. We have been praying for you both and Ellison since we saw your first "tweet" yesterday. We've already heard from one grandmother just how beautiful she is. Can't wait to see more pictures. And I just have to say, Rob, that if Ellison showed any stubborness yesterday, as you said in one message, it might just be something she got from you! GOD bless all three of you, and enjoy the time in the hospital, where you have lots of extra pairs of helping hands!
Kevin, Melissa, and Bethany Watson
She is absolutely beautiful.
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