Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sweet Baby Ellie
Even before her first breath, we knew that Ellie Kate would be a sweetie. Therefore, we wanted to make certain that she was in good company in the hospital room. Surrounding her in the room are sweets of all sorts. Whether it is the cake donuts or the lollipop bouquet for her guests, Ellison remains the sweetest of them all.

During our initial hold, I explained to Miss Ellie how blessed she was to have so many folks that would love her. Showered in attention by friends and family, I told Ellie that there was a good chance that after our time together today that I would likely not have the opportunity to be able to hold her for the next few days. I think she understood; however I also think she likes her daddy time.

I also am aware that many of her admirers won't be able to see her for awhile. So please enjoy the slide show of Ellison's first few minutes.

1 comment:

Mom to Four said...

Thanks for sharing her first few moments with us. You two are amazing parents, can't wait to watch you both as you parent Miss Ellie Kate-she is one lucky little girl.
