Wednesday, February 24, 2010

fun with friends

we had a wonderful weekend including a fun saturday with my dear friends from college and their little ones. it has been such fun experiencing "firsts" with my friends and their babies as there has been 5 babies born in less than a year within this group! we greatly appreciated lauren, emily, cari, traci, and kinsey making the road trip up here and jamie opening her new, beautiful home to host our get together. it will be such fun as the babies grow older together and can really play! as always, we try and get a quick photo of the group. this is always such a task but emily was able to capture one. unfortunately, campbell snuck away from the photo shoot and took a nasty fall into workout equipment leading to a trip to the ER. we are so thankful she is okay- had to include the pic of this tough little girl. looking forward to being all back together again!

1 comment:

the garrett family said...

we had so much fun with you!
