Monday, December 22, 2008

Emmanuel: God with Us!
We were reminded this past Sunday by our Pastor, Todd Craig, that in celebrating Christmas, we celebrate the fact that God is with us. That is what Emmanuel means, "God with Us." How appropriate, to be reminded in celebrating the birth of Christ, that God is indeed with us. He is with us through the celebrations of life, and He is with us through the challenges that life also tends to bring.

You know for many, us included, Christmas can be a time of mixed emotion. Sure, there is the excitement that comes with the holidays: days off from work/school, gift exchange, good food, good company, carols, and of course, football bowl games.

Yet Christmas can also be a time where tension among family members may be in the air; maybe it's the first Christmas since the passing of a loved one (or the holidays are just the constant reminder of that lost loved one); it could be that you are aware that this Christmas may be the last Christmas with a loved one; or rather than being close to one another, you are separated from your family by endless miles.

Each of us have our own set of challenges; however, it is necessary to be reminded, Emmanuel: God with Us. Some are victims of ill-health, others are in the midst of marital controversy, many find themselves giving in to some sort of addiction, and there are those who feel so alone they are overcome with depression; in each of these, we must cling onto Emmanuel: God with Us.

Especially in such economic times as these, we can struggle to know if we will hold onto our jobs, how the next bills will be paid, where our investments have gone; Emmanuel: God with Us.

Over this past year, our family has been dealt a difficult hand. However, we are assured that throughout this past year, God has been with us. When we look back, we can see how God has been with us. God has placed us in a church family where we are surrounded by those that have helped carry our burdens. Many in our community (aka Sunday school class) have also found themselves in the midst of struggling with their parents' ill health. Although you hate to see others around you going through the same pain and hurt, how amazing is our God, that He provides us with friends to experience such times with, Emmanuel: God with Us.

In this past year, we also are celebrating the blessing of expecting a child. Just as with our struggles, God has shown that He is with us, by once again surrounding us with friends that are also expecting, or have just delivered. Whether it be challenges or celebrations, Emmanuel: God with Us.

As Todd Craig closed his message this past Sunday, he encouraged each of us to come forward and light a candle. By lighting a candle we demonstrated our acknowledgment, that in this season, though aspects of our life seem impossible to deal with on our own, we can have confidence knowing, Emmanuel: God with Us. And as we stood back and observed the number of lit candles we were reassured that God's presence is found in each of us.

I hope you will take some time this week (and this entire season) to remember that we celebrate Christ's birth, not only as a miraculous moment in history that took place two thousand years back, but also as a reminder that Christ remains with us today, Emmanuel!

Celebrating His presence,
Rob and Heather

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Hey sweet Heather!! Love the blog!! We miss yall!!! Also, I finally got around to doing the blog thing...check it out!!!!! Love yall!!! How do I add you to my blog??? I need help!!! :) Where is Robin?
