Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How I Met God at Hobby Lobby
Where have you met God? There’s no question that He appears in those expected places like a church’s sanctuary, in nature, and in hospital rooms. He also occasionally shows up in the most unexpected locations—like the checkout counter at Hobby Lobby.

Last week, as we prepared for the Thanksgiving holidays, our family was also planning a birthday celebration for our daughter Heather, who turned 27 the day after Thanksgiving. Needing some ribbon for birthday packages, I made a quick trip to Hobby Lobby on Monday afternoon.

As I was paying for the ribbon, Debby and Larry Burns were also checking out at the next register. Debby came over to give me a hug, wrapped her arms around me and shared that she continued to pray for both Jim and I. In her usual loving way (if you are blessed to know Debby, she just oozes with kindness!), she blessed me with her encouraging words.

I turned to pick up my package and the lady behind me in line tapped me on the shoulder. That’s when I met God. She said that she had overheard Debby’s concerns and prayers for us, and although she didn’t know my name, she would also be praying for me. She said she didn’t need to know my name because God knows my name and all my needs.

I barely made it to my car before the “tear dam” broke and I sobbed at this expression of God’s love. God is so good!

God also graced us with strength and energy for the holidays. Although Jim had experienced five difficult days with nausea and weakness the previous week, he fully enjoyed our family’s Thanksgiving and birthday celebrations.

This is “chemo week” for both of us; Jim received his treatment yesterday and I’m scheduled for Thursday. Thank you for your prayers that we both continue to tolerate the treatments and that the drugs are working to eradicate the cancer.

And finally, God continued to bless us beyond Hobby Lobby and Thanksgiving…

As Rob’s parents gathered with us for Heather’s birthday party, we were the ones who were surprised! Heather’s last gift was a t-shirt announcing she and Rob are expecting a baby next June! We even have our first picture of that precious gift from God—a framed ultrasound image. We are so blessed and so grateful to the many ways God shows His presence and His love.
We hope that your Thanksgiving was also full of “God Winks” and moments of His reassuring love for you. From our home to yours, from our hearts to your hearts, for blessings too many to count, we give thanks!

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:34

Blessed Abundantly!
Jim and Karen,
Holly, Heather, Rob (and Baby Sher!)

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