Monday, December 22, 2008

Emmanuel: God with Us!
We were reminded this past Sunday by our Pastor, Todd Craig, that in celebrating Christmas, we celebrate the fact that God is with us. That is what Emmanuel means, "God with Us." How appropriate, to be reminded in celebrating the birth of Christ, that God is indeed with us. He is with us through the celebrations of life, and He is with us through the challenges that life also tends to bring.

You know for many, us included, Christmas can be a time of mixed emotion. Sure, there is the excitement that comes with the holidays: days off from work/school, gift exchange, good food, good company, carols, and of course, football bowl games.

Yet Christmas can also be a time where tension among family members may be in the air; maybe it's the first Christmas since the passing of a loved one (or the holidays are just the constant reminder of that lost loved one); it could be that you are aware that this Christmas may be the last Christmas with a loved one; or rather than being close to one another, you are separated from your family by endless miles.

Each of us have our own set of challenges; however, it is necessary to be reminded, Emmanuel: God with Us. Some are victims of ill-health, others are in the midst of marital controversy, many find themselves giving in to some sort of addiction, and there are those who feel so alone they are overcome with depression; in each of these, we must cling onto Emmanuel: God with Us.

Especially in such economic times as these, we can struggle to know if we will hold onto our jobs, how the next bills will be paid, where our investments have gone; Emmanuel: God with Us.

Over this past year, our family has been dealt a difficult hand. However, we are assured that throughout this past year, God has been with us. When we look back, we can see how God has been with us. God has placed us in a church family where we are surrounded by those that have helped carry our burdens. Many in our community (aka Sunday school class) have also found themselves in the midst of struggling with their parents' ill health. Although you hate to see others around you going through the same pain and hurt, how amazing is our God, that He provides us with friends to experience such times with, Emmanuel: God with Us.

In this past year, we also are celebrating the blessing of expecting a child. Just as with our struggles, God has shown that He is with us, by once again surrounding us with friends that are also expecting, or have just delivered. Whether it be challenges or celebrations, Emmanuel: God with Us.

As Todd Craig closed his message this past Sunday, he encouraged each of us to come forward and light a candle. By lighting a candle we demonstrated our acknowledgment, that in this season, though aspects of our life seem impossible to deal with on our own, we can have confidence knowing, Emmanuel: God with Us. And as we stood back and observed the number of lit candles we were reassured that God's presence is found in each of us.

I hope you will take some time this week (and this entire season) to remember that we celebrate Christ's birth, not only as a miraculous moment in history that took place two thousand years back, but also as a reminder that Christ remains with us today, Emmanuel!

Celebrating His presence,
Rob and Heather

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Blessings
As many of you have heard (or read) already, our lives are quickly about to a good way! Heather is pregnant. As you can imagine we are tremendously excited, and I am immensely terrified.

When Heather shared with me the exciting news, I immediately began a "to-do" list in my head of everything that needed to be done; I say immediately, but I think more accurately it was immediately after I recovered from the shock I began the "to-do" list. In fact, I still can barely talk about the baby without having my heart race rapidly and my blood pressure rise.

We are so excited! Adding to our excitement and assurance is God's timing of it all. Our baby is due June 26 (if you could only see me freaking out as I write this sentence!) And our little one will be blessed with 2 cousins within 6 weeks of age; My brother, Chris, and his wife Tanya are also expecting middle May; and cousin Patrick and Gretchen are expecting mid-May as well!

We are also hopefully excited that this baby, and the 7 months until the delivery (again wigging out!) will serve as sweet medicine for Heather's mom and dad. Sometimes when life strikes you as it has them this past year, the best medicine is having something to look forward to.

As we recognize God's blessings in our lives, we are truly blessed.
* We are blessed to have 3 sets of grandparents in waiting, each so very thrilled in what next summer holds.
* We are blessed to have so many friends that have preceded us in this journey, so we can seek their counsel and wisdom that only experience brings.
*We are blessed to have more than a handful of very close friends that will share this journey with us, as they will have, or have had, new babies within 8 months of our baby!
*We are blessed that as we spend time praying for this baby today, we are given the promise of God, that He is already preparing the way and making plans for this baby's life!

Our hope for you, this Christmas season, is that you will take time to reflect and give thanks to God for the blessings he has showered over your life.


Rob and Heather

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How I Met God at Hobby Lobby
Where have you met God? There’s no question that He appears in those expected places like a church’s sanctuary, in nature, and in hospital rooms. He also occasionally shows up in the most unexpected locations—like the checkout counter at Hobby Lobby.

Last week, as we prepared for the Thanksgiving holidays, our family was also planning a birthday celebration for our daughter Heather, who turned 27 the day after Thanksgiving. Needing some ribbon for birthday packages, I made a quick trip to Hobby Lobby on Monday afternoon.

As I was paying for the ribbon, Debby and Larry Burns were also checking out at the next register. Debby came over to give me a hug, wrapped her arms around me and shared that she continued to pray for both Jim and I. In her usual loving way (if you are blessed to know Debby, she just oozes with kindness!), she blessed me with her encouraging words.

I turned to pick up my package and the lady behind me in line tapped me on the shoulder. That’s when I met God. She said that she had overheard Debby’s concerns and prayers for us, and although she didn’t know my name, she would also be praying for me. She said she didn’t need to know my name because God knows my name and all my needs.

I barely made it to my car before the “tear dam” broke and I sobbed at this expression of God’s love. God is so good!

God also graced us with strength and energy for the holidays. Although Jim had experienced five difficult days with nausea and weakness the previous week, he fully enjoyed our family’s Thanksgiving and birthday celebrations.

This is “chemo week” for both of us; Jim received his treatment yesterday and I’m scheduled for Thursday. Thank you for your prayers that we both continue to tolerate the treatments and that the drugs are working to eradicate the cancer.

And finally, God continued to bless us beyond Hobby Lobby and Thanksgiving…

As Rob’s parents gathered with us for Heather’s birthday party, we were the ones who were surprised! Heather’s last gift was a t-shirt announcing she and Rob are expecting a baby next June! We even have our first picture of that precious gift from God—a framed ultrasound image. We are so blessed and so grateful to the many ways God shows His presence and His love.
We hope that your Thanksgiving was also full of “God Winks” and moments of His reassuring love for you. From our home to yours, from our hearts to your hearts, for blessings too many to count, we give thanks!

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:34

Blessed Abundantly!
Jim and Karen,
Holly, Heather, Rob (and Baby Sher!)

Monday, November 17, 2008

And the greatest of these is …LOVE!

Day by Day. That phrase describes how we are living life these days. For someone who likes to plan and whose work depends on projecting dates into the future, it's been a difficult lesson to learn.

Even with these challenges, it's easy to see the blessings. I'm thankful that my job doesn't require me to be on a strict 8:00-5:00 schedule. That flexibility has allowed me to be here for Jim on those days when he is weak, confused or disoriented.

Lori and I returned to Norman from Houston on Friday, Oct 24; Jim was hospitalized on Sunday (10/26) for three days. Thanks to all those dear friends who stayed at the hospital with Jim—especially Lori and Holly for your overnight shifts. Since I had just had chemo, I was not allowed to be there with him. Although his protein levels were strong and his liver functions were improved, the extra fluids gave him some much needed strength.

His next chemo treatment is today, Monday, Nov 17. Thank you for your prayers for these treatments to eradicate the cancer and shrink his tumors.

As you may remember, I received my first chemo treatment in Houston on October 22. I've been blessed abundantly—have felt great, tolerated the chemo well and had my second treatment this past Thursday with Dr. Aleda Toma in OKC. The side effects have been minimal so I'm praying for that to continue.

Dr. Toma came highly recommended by my medical oncologist at MDA and after meeting her, I can certainly understand why he was so impressed. She is extremely personable and dedicated to her patients. I greatly appreciated her encouragement and know that her positive words will contribute to my healing. It was also assuring to know she has treated two other patients with my same diagnosis. We discovered that we had several mutual friends so that helped us to instantly connect. God continues to bless us with the gift of His presence and His guiding hand.

So these three things continue forever: faith, hope and love. And the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13

The words on my silver bracelet (thanks, Susie!) say it all: I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

In the difficult times, we may at times begin to doubt. There are no easy answers to the problems we face. Yet, we have a God who is deeply concerned about the trials we face.

I don't think He is a God who inflicts us with trials. I believe He is a compassionate God who cries when we cry and bears our burdens when we suffer. And He uses these trials to mold us into even more compassionate, loving individuals for His purposes.

Faith is the belief that God will do what is right. God says that the more hopeless your circumstances, the more likely, your salvation. The greater your cares, the more genuine your prayers. The darker the room, the greater the need for light.

For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

We are looking forward with hope to the holidays, spending joyful time with our family and friends and resting in the plans and places He has for us in this new season.

We fully believe that if God brings you to it - He will bring you through it.

I give you a new command: Love each other. You must love each other as I have loved you. John 13:34

Our hearts are full of the many expressions of love with which you have blessed us. Your encouraging emails, cards, calls, prayers and hugs give us renewed strength for this journey.

The extraordinary meals that have been so generously shared over the past MANY weeks. Lee Hall, you are a SAINT to have taken on this loving task of coordination.

The love that has extended from our McFarlin Crossroads Class (and Asbury, Bethel, Trinity and others) models the best in Christian community. Thanks for rising above the level of casual Christianity and living for God and those He cares so much about in this broken world. YOU make God smile!

For all your prayers, support, and encouragement, we give thanks to the One from whom all blessings flow. Know that He has used YOU to give us faith, hope and love.

Blessed by the greatest of these, your Love!


Jim and Karen,

Holly, Heather and Rob

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The First Blog

So I have always been a bit, lets say, skeptical, about those who "blogged." Basically for two main reasons...(A) I mean who reads these things? Well, apparently millions of people do, everyday; and my wife is one of them. And (B) what do I have to say, what story do I have to tell?

Ahh, how about the story of a family, struck by cancer, not once, but twice: first the Dad, and then 6 months later, the Mom. How about that family's shock, struggles, and resilience. How about that family's faith and intentionality in giving this cancer a purpose, a purpose that would bring Glory to God.

Do you know how difficult that task can times? But interestingly enough, it also seems to be the most natural response for this family.

This blog promises to be a dialog, or maybe a "diablog," which includes all gammits of emotion. You will laugh, you will cry, (as we will do the same authoring it), but more importantly, you will hopefully be encouraged.

Each of us have situations and circumstances in life that we are unable to control; however, one thing, if the only thing, we can control is our reaction to these challenges. This is the story of our reaction.

Monday, February 18, 2008

a week that changed our lives
We feel your prayers, and ask that they continue to be lifted up. Not much has changed in the past day or so, especially in light of all the change that the past week has entailed. Today, at some point, we should get a bit more of the specifics from the oncologist, however, we know that only God knows the plans that He has made for Jim and our family! Pray that we can seek His will, and take assuredness in what that may be!

I came back into Tulsa yesterday afternoon, while Heather stayed in Norman for a bit longer to make sure all was taken care of. This obviously adds a different element for Heather and I to be apart, in a time when she and her family need so much encouragement and support! Pray for Heather's strength.

Jim is recovering from surgery well, however, the pain medication can make him loopy and sometimes a very difficult patient. Pray for Jim to relax and have a peace come about him.

Once again, I am going to send you the words of Heather's last email, as it will hopefully provide some insight in to where we are at, medically speaking.

thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers, like i started this email off with, keep em coming (which coincidently, is the same thing we are telling Jim about his farts, "keep em coming" - read below for explanation)!

7 days, 168 hours, never the same again
As mom my said this morning, "It's just been a week--7 days--168 hours. How can life change so quickly? It certainly gives new meaning to "Carpe Diem"--SEIZE THE DAY!"

I apologize I have not updated in a few days but once we get home, all I want to do is go to bed and we keep [retty busy at the hospital. Today we completed post operative day 3 and the doctor said this morning dad is "textbook" if not progressing better. He continues to sleep most of the day, being awakened frequently for all sorts of things and quickly dozes back to sleep. Although we would like to take advantage of the time we are spending together, if he is comfortable- we are pleased! Tomorrow the anesthesiologist will remove his epidural and allow him to not feel so sedated all the time. We now pray his pain can be adequately controlled without the epidural!

A nurse aide commented today "he sure hasn't lost a sense of humor!" For those of you who don't know dad, he is quite the comedian! Despite his sleepiness, he continues to keep us all entertained. You never know what he is going to say when he wakes up- usually a guaranteed laugh though which is so comforting in a time like this that we can find something to bring a smile to our faces. One of my favorite stories so far took place the first day after his surgery. Dad had been begging me for something to eat, and I kept reminding him that he could only have ice chips and popsicles until such time that his colon was "working again." He said, "Heather, make me a sign! I want it to say: Will Fart for Food!" Needless to say, my wonderful father in law made the sign which hangs directly behind his bed. Our other good news is his bowels did wake up yesterday so we are moving forward with liquids and hopefully to solids by Monday. Who would have ever thought a fart would bring a tear of happiness to my eye!

We received the pathology back from his procedures and it was consistent with what they had imagined. The cancer in his colon is an adenocarcinoma and the biopsy of his liver was as well. This is a good thing because it means the liver/lungs is a metastasis and not another random kind of cancer that would change everything. Our oncologist is out of town so we met her partner today. She was very nice but said very little so we hope to learn more on Monday when Dr. Dagg returns.

Our plan is to hopefully be discharged from the hospital by Wednesday. The surgeon will put in a port for dad's chemotherapy prior to discharge from the hospital so back to the OR. Fortunately, this is a pretty simple procedure. Rob will head back to Tulsa tomorrow (Sunday) and I am planning on staying at least until dad gets discharged to help mom. Then, lots of road trips to Norman once we start chemo in a few weeks.As always, thank you for everything! We continue to get by each day by the grace of God and the love and support from YOU! I can't wait to share everything we have experienced with dad and for him to be able thank each one of you when we FULLY recover from this...and we will! We love you!


Heather and Rob

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Cancer Confirmed
thank you for the prayers!

although today did not hold all the answers that we had originally had hoped it might, the day did bring us up to speed as to what the next step had to be. Jim had his colonoscopy (sp?) this morning, in which they found a large obstruction that was malignant. The good, now we know the source of the internal bleeding, and the cancer, and now we can attack it. The bad, he goes into surgery tomorrow to remove the tumor, and that can obviously carry complications.

So as to what we have ahead of us. First, we need a clean and successful surgery. Then after the source is removed, we wait approx. 3 weeks to begin extensive chemotherapy, to attack the cancer that has already spread to the lungs and the liver. Obviously, the next couple of weeks are imperative that things go well. Also, we need the cancer that has already spread to slow down a bit, to allow for the recovery of the surgery. The oncologist suggests, however, that the bright-side of an aggressive cancer like this, is that it tends to be highly reactive to chemo.

We still have a very steep up-hill climb ahead of us, and need some things to go right, in order to have the successful result that is so badly desired. However, I know that today, both Heather and I felt the Peace of the Holy Spirit, almost as if God was laying the ground work to begin His miraculous healing. I know that Karen also feels His presence, as she attempts to face the days ahead.

I cannot think those of you enough that have continued to outpour from your hearts the love, prayers, scripture, encouraging words, and willingness to do anything and everything. From one perspective we were not prepared for the challenges and obstacles that God has placed in front of us; however, in the same regard, look at how God the Father has prepared us.... (1) From the foundation of our Faith, God began preparing us by directing us to Trust in Him, (2) from the blessings he has showered our family with, with friends that are compassionate and passionate for Lord, God prepared our lives with fellow believers to call on when we need prayers; (3) and with a medical staff that is not only exceptionally trained, but that have a personal and invested interest in doing their very best for their fellow colleague and friend, Jim, God hand picked the staff and prepared them for the duty at hand. It is truly amazing, when you look back, seeing just exactly how God has prepared us for this challenge.

1 Corinthians 2:9-10 (New International Version)
v9. However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"[a]— 10but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God."

thank you for being apart of the preparation, and thanks again for being apart of the here and now! As things change I will continue to try and keep you updated.

thanks again!


Monday, February 11, 2008

Where it All Began...The First Email
Dear friends-
We just got home from another full day of emotions at the hospital. As of today, I still feel like we know very little from when we began just 48 hours ago.

To brief those of you who do not know, my dad has been intermittently "under the weather" over the last month. His pain seemed to be progressing this week as the color in his skin diminished. Our wonderful doctor and best friend ran dozens of lab tests earlier this last week to see what was causing this. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever be writing an email like this. The main thing we learned from the lab results was that dad was having significant bleeding internally. Friday he had a CT scan of his abdomen to determine where the bleeding was coming from because his pain was primarily in his abdomen. We were hoping for a bleeding ulcer- unfortunately what they found was a large mass on his liver and several spots on the bases of his lungs. We learned all this information on Saturday.

He was admitted to the oncology floor yesterday in order to perform more diagnostic tests, receive several units of blood, and for assistance with pain control. Since his admission he has had a CT of his chest in order to see if the cancer was anywhere beside the base of his lungs (the first CT showed only the bases). We got the results today and it showed multiple pinpoint spots covering both his lungs but no progression in his liver. Our first bit of good news came this morning after an EGD (scope of his upper GI tract) and it all came back negative. Tomorrow morning he will undergo a colonoscopy (for those of you who know Big Jim you know he is not excited about that!) The doctors concern at this point is that the liver and lungs are both secondary sites in which the cancer has metastasized too. This is mainly because dad has little to no reason he would have ever developed either liver or lung cancer. Our fear is that the cancer originated in his colon and has spread to these two additional sites rapidly. If the colonoscopy is negative (please pray), they will perform a needle biopsy of his liver tomorrow afternoon so we can learn more about the cancer and what the treatment may entail.

I write this email not to just inform you of all that is going on, but to ask for an outpouring of prayer over my father tomorrow and all the days ahead. Tomorrow is a huge day for our family and we are asking for strength as we learn what God's will is for my daddy and our family. I am terrified, deeply saddened, and struggling to stay strong for my family and especially my dad. Thank you to each and every one of you who have called, text, and most importantly prayed. I truly believe in the power of prayer and the miracles God is capable of. We have witnessed His goodness in so many ways and hope these miracles are showered upon dad.

I always knew God had blessed me with the best friends in the world but each and every hour of the last two days, that has become more and more evident. I will be in touch tomorrow evening and let you know how the day goes. Thank you again for being a part of this time.

heather sher
